
Elevating Your World


2019 Stand Design

May | 2019

Vertibus is a long-standing client of IPOINT INT The client fully trusts us with all their brand requirements, varying from the web, adverts, brochure, and leaflet design, stand design and management, etc... This is not the first stand created for Vertibus, as this is the second time they have taken part in the interlift conference, which takes place every two years. The client wanted a design which stood out. The 25 square metres with more than 2 stories of height available allowed us to be creative and have an actual lift on display.

Vertibus Stand Blueprint
Vertibus Stand Blueprint
Vertibus Stand Blueprint
Technical Blueprints

IPOINT INT was responsible not only for the 3D concepts and branding part but also for the organisation and stand management, always making sure all parties involved executed their work properly. All technical drawings were prepared, going into extreme detail for the constructors to be able to work and make sure that all fit correctly, especially since we had an actual functioning lift present on the stand.

Vertibus Stand Structure
Vertibus Stand Structure
Vertibus Stand Structure

The structure for the stand was based on a very simple design with a striking brand look. The two V’s, at the sides of the stand, were the main elements used within the structure. These were designed in a way to have a very strong brand recognition purpose.

Vertibus Stand Side View
Side View

Creating a monumental effect, imposing and large. Movement and access through the stand were given important attention to allow good free flow from all angles. The V’s created a monumental effect, which gave both an imposing and grand look to the stand.

Vertibus Wall Design
Vertibus Wall Design
Vertibus Wall Design
Wall Designs

The wall designs printed for the stand were all based on the brand we had already for the client previously. More of this can be seen on the client's website - The lifts featured in the middle wall are one of the client’s most successful and complex projects present at the MCC, Valletta, Malta.

Vertibus Stand Electricity

Electrical points were carefully planned and placed throughout the stand. Part of the design job was to make sure that electricity was available where needed for all gadgets and media present on the stand. Outlets required for staff to charge laptops, tablets, mobile etc.. were handy. Special electrical outlets were also thought for powering the lift present on the stand.

Vertibus Full Stand
Full Stand View

Countless 3D visuals of the stand, from every possible angle, are provided to both the client and the stand builders, making sure that all parties involved have a clear vision and understanding of what is to be constructed and of our end vision for the stand. No stone is left unturned.

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